Monday, June 30, 2008


Doughnuts!!!!! Wahhhhhhh (*..,*) Yum YUM!!! So nice, but expensive leh.. I dont understand why they sell it so expensive?? One is Rm2.30!! So, I only bought two.. Difficult to choose since each one looks so nice to eat!!! In the end, I chose a strawberry one.. because it's pink & everyone pick that one.. I guess it must be very good! The other one is Cheese because I LOVE cheese! I want to pick chocolate, but the guy in front of me bought the last three... *sigh* Never mind, will try it next time.. Anyway, it turned out REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD!!! None other better words to describe it.. Try it yourself, then you'll know!!

Korean food, oh please!!!

Went to eat Korean food at Spring... So EXPENSIVE!! This one I don't know what it's called... My mum's eating the "Ja Jiang Mian"... *blehhh* to tell the truth.... -_-" It's really not my taste.. nearly vomit when I take the first bite.. (Sorry to offend you, Koreans!!)

Knitting is FUN!!!

Had been knitting all day.... Manage to knit out a scarf already.. Working on the second one.... Hopefully it'll be better than the first... O_o....

Sky of Love...


这部戏的名字叫"恋空Koizora". 英文名叫Sky of Love. 超好看的啦!!!!!!! 女主角的名字叫新垣结衣 Yui Aragaki , 而男主角叫三浦春马 Haruma Miura.


昨天无聊看 YouTube 的时候, 突然发现这部日剧, "恋空". 超感人的!!! 我还特地去找它的小说看. 终于被我找到啦!!!! 哇哈哈哈哈...... 好高兴哦! 真的是太太太好看了!! 虽然找不到完真版的... O_o... 唉.... 不过叻..看到它得小说和Trailer我也该满足了啦! 这部戏最后男主角好像是死了... T_T..呜呜呜...讨厌的啦!!! 终之叻, 这部戏非常的好看就是啦!!!!!!! 希望你也一样咯!!! ^^ 下面就是它的故事大钢咯... 我是从一个网站copy来的喔....请看....^^
