Saturday, April 18, 2009


My pc finally broke down last Tues after such a long period. (Have a feeling my dad's going to buy iMac..) So, totally stuck with my assignment. & blogging... Hmm~ Then, I dont know how to connect internet with my macbook. sigh.. Juz now went to see the guy at the shop, begging him for help. Finally, tried it as soon as I reach home which is nearly 6pm!! BECOZ, my dad went here & there, including my grandma's house & Sunday Market. Urghh~~ I HATE it! Anyway, luckily, the internet is ok. Glad that it works. Really, I have to start working on my assignment tonight. If not, damn, no Korea for me this year! 
(before my PC broke down)Oh, yeah, there's one thing I want to "record" down in my blog. & that is, last Monday, I saw KimBum's news on Tv(XingKong)! Arghh!~ The fans are totally crazy about him, there's one girl who cried when she sees him. arghh~ dont be surprised bcoz I guess I'll do the same when I saw him! Really. How I wish I could meet him someday. *dreaming* Yeah that's all. ^^