Sunday, August 30, 2009

My poster.

Just for an update lah. So, this is my public service announcement poster. I did sth to do with environment. So, my title is "Love Our Nature". I guess I'm the only one doing about trees, haha, luckily, becoz no one to compare with! Unlike my friends, most of them do animals. Anyway, I'm the last to present! Haha! That was strange, becoz I'm always the first, becoz I always volunteer since no one dares to go first. But this time I was chosen to be the last, really nervous! Anyways~ KL didn't comment much, he likes it but the only problem is the lighting of the hand. Hey, I only use one night to think about this idea and make it! I had to take the pictures of my hand by MYSELF!! It's hard to do becoz of the position. What I'm really mad and sad is that, all my hard works or attempts in this 4 weeks are not as good as this one!! I had been doing about 6/7 posters for this assignment, from changing the slogan, the image, but still my lecturer didnt approve it, until this last minute "cincai"(not to say "cincai", simple design), he APPROVED it! The minute I tell my friends, EVERYONE dropped their jaws!! Even I myself can't accept the fact he liked this more than my other posters! He say this is what he's looking for! By this, I finally accept THE FACT, "HIS TASTE IS DIFFERENT FROM US."