Monday, May 4, 2009


我的天啊~ 气死我了!从这一刻开时,我讨厌死“克里是‘癫’”这个名字!本来很喜欢的,可是因为那个死老师就叫“克里是癫!! 妈的,好死不死就叫这个名字。这个老师过然是个神精病,所以名字才会有个“癫”字!明明我画的比别人都还快,可是却因为Mr癫的罗里咯索搞的我变最慢。从几千个星期以前给他看我那两张图画时,就只会说“再改。你叫我改,我可以接受,不过你叫我修改的动西简直是默明其妙!荒塘!Ridiculous!第一次你说烟画的不够多,第二次是轮胎不够圆 ,妈的,那也就算了,第三次你说手画的太硬,妈的,还不要紧,然后你说没有好笑的东西在里面,妈的,再然后你又说窗口画的不够直! 够了!你这只没用的癫狗!你到底知不知你每叫我改一次我就要从新画一张新的就因为要改那个长的鼻屎还要再小的错误!Mr癫,我拜拖你每次可不可一次把你要我改的东西一次讲完哪?!一个星期改一个,发你的西北疯啦!我的颜色都彩好了你才叫我改,每次还说改完这个就可以Final了,听你放屁!气死我了!请你不要忘记这个是Sketches,是SKETCHES,stupid!画酱detail有个屁用,又不是要我交那张。刚刚看到我的黑脸还敢问我是不是生气,我哪敢说有,等下你这只吃屎的癫人给我零蛋,明年再见不是死?老实说啦,其实我刚才很叫你,GO TO “SEA”!!!!去死!!!祝你一路不顺风啦。王八蛋!臭癫蛋!吃屎吧你!

A Wedding project.

Well, so that day we went to Prince Vogue Bridal shop to pick our wedding dress and evening gown for our Photography assignment. Our group consists of WiNie(leader), Ah Hui, Khoo Sin, Ah Seng & me. Anyway, it costs us Rm300(student price) for the two dress. We didn't ask for the make-up coz its Rm60 for simple and Rm190 for professional make-up! What the...?!! & the wedding veil cost Rm20,we didn't rent that as well, since we think that our model is short hair, so its not necessary. The album photo is nearly Rm1000-Rm4000!! So we decided maybe we'll DIY it. Ah Seng's sister agreed to help us with the photo-shoot. She looks really pretty, I think. She's tall & thin, perfect as a model. Luckily she's willing to help us free-of-charge. phew.
This is the evening gown that we picked, finally~......
Bo bien loh... since the one we picked earlier has already been booked by another person. Sien~ Anyway, this one looks ok too. Elegant with the pinky look. Great~

A Wedding project.

The dress we supposed to rent but it turns out someone already booked it.. What?! Urghh~ We choose for so long leh.. Haiya.. Have to choose again loh..
Too plain.. Looks more like wedding dress... 
Nothing special.... duh~
I like this one, it's green! But Ah Seng say looks like tree.... Aduh~ Say her own sister looks like plant. sigh.