Monday, June 22, 2009

My first awful experience.

Great. I got a job. Easily. But feeling so "terpaksa". Today was my first day working. I still can't believe my first job would be a tuition teacher, worst, a primary school teacher. I still remember last time, I thought it's silly for me to be a teacher & I say to myself that I'll NEVER EVER be a teacher, becoz, well, first, I hate kids, second, I might accidently kill those little jelly beans. My little cousin used to cry whenever I appear. Yeah, rite. But only her lah, so not to say that I'm a monster. Anyways~ So, I'm teaching Primary 1(gosh~ can you believe that? Those brats. What is going on with me??) It's Bm today.(great. M-A.... ma. yes, 妈的) They can't differentiate what is 'b' & 'd'. So, I had to teach them which way to turn to be 'b' & 'd'. (Did I just did that?! Shit.) Their horrible sound, they screech, shout, howl, squeal, whatever sound they make, I'm telling you, it's disastrous!! Oh-my-GOD. I hate them. But had to act as if they were the cutest thing on earth, coz if not, the parents will come & slaughter me. Gosh~ Enough for today. I need to have a rest. Bye.
(It wasnt that bad actually, just trying to be sarcastic, probably)

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